
Sunday Service
Our Sunday morning service (9:45am) is at the heart of our community worship life. We value the act of worshipping together as God’s people. We believe that it is through our common life that we are gifted and strengthened by God for a life of service to God and others. Join us! Everyone —everyone— is welcome to fully participate in all that we do.
You can join us in-person or watch our livestream via Zoom, Facebook or YouTube. Copies of our worship bulletin for in-person participants are available every Sunday. Livestream participants can find the electronic worship bulletin on the home page.
Worship Style
Our worship is informal and participatory. It is guided by the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer, along with a mixture of the contemporary and the traditional in word and music. It invites us to be nourished by God’s Word and love in community.
Much of our music comes from the hymnal Renew as well as The Hymnal of the Episcopal Church, along with other various sources. Kirk Valles, our music director, is sometimes joined by a violinist or string trio. We welcome and encourage the sharing of musical talents (vocal and instrumental).