Ashes To Go & Ash Wednesday

Ashes To Go & Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten season, is on February 22, 2023. For nearly a decade now, St. Mark’s has participated in our diocesan-wide ministry of Ashes To Go. It is a day where we go out into our immediate neighborhood and offer ashes...
Christ Church Spaghetti Dinner

Christ Church Spaghetti Dinner

Every year the people of Christ Church along with the 8th grade students of their Day School organize a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit St. Mark’s food pantry. The price of entry to the dinner is non-perishable food items (cash is also accepted). All donations are...
New Sacred Ground Circles

New Sacred Ground Circles

Sacred Ground is the Episcopal Church’s film & reading based dialogue series on race, racism & faith. Circles provide the opportunity for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue. EDSD Racial Justice and Reconciliation Task Force will offer two new...
Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

St. Mark’s annual meeting will be on Sunday, January 22, following the 9:45 am Worship service. We need a ‘full house’ to be able to conduct our once-a-year-church ‘business’ meeting. Important business to be discussed includes: budget, election of vestry members...
Community Event

Community Event

We will share the Good News of St. Mark’s with the Talmadge Community (our neighbors across The Boulevard) at the Talmadge Community Event on Saturday, October 8, 2022. The event is from 3-7 p.m. and we need folks to be at the St. Mark’s table. Talk to or email...