Outreach Committee Meetings

Outreach Committee Meetings

All are invited to join our Outreach Committee. The committee discusses/plans St. Mark’s outreach activities (recurring & single events) throughout the year. We are currently planning/preparing for this year’s Back To School Bash. Announced meeting...
Current Pantry Needs | May, 2023

Current Pantry Needs | May, 2023

PEANUT BUTTER is a protein staple at our twice-weekly food pantry. However, it has recently become harder to obtain it via our usual sources. Can you help us out by donating some? We prefer regular sized jars over big-sized ones as it allows us to serve more guests....
Maundy Thursday Community Event

Maundy Thursday Community Event

We’re looking for volunteers to help with our community Maundy Thursday event on April 6. Help is needed in the morning hours with a variety of tasks, including: set up, breakfast prep & breakfast serving, foot washing, interacting with guests, clean up. If...
Holy Week & Easter 2023

Holy Week & Easter 2023

St. Mark’s invites you to join us for our Holy Week and Easter services. ALL are welcome! The schedule of services is as follows: Sunday, April 2: Palm / Passion Sunday, @ 9:45 a.m. The service begins at St. Mark’s, followed by a Palm procession, and...
Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

Join us on Friday, March 31 as we walk through our City Heights neighborhood and pray the Migrants’ Way of the Cross. We start at St. Mark’s at 5 pm and stop at various buildings & places within walking distance of St. Mark’s praying for and with...
Lenten Mite Box

Lenten Mite Box

One of the Lenten disciplines is almsgiving. To help everyone give alms, we make mite boxes available to everyone. We encourage you to put in a prominent place in your home throughout Lent. The proceeds of this year’s mite box collection will go to the...
Lenten Book Study

Lenten Book Study

This Lent, our Diocesan parishes are participating in a book study of The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community by Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens and Dwight J. Friesen. The book study ties in with our Diocesan Year of...
Bishop’s Visit

Bishop’s Visit

Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook will visit St. Mark’s on Sunday, March 19, 2023 . She will participate in our Lenten Book Study (note the special 9 a.m. time), preside and preach at our 9:45 a.m. Sunday service, conduct a post service conversation...
Ashes To Go & Ash Wednesday

Ashes To Go & Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lenten season, is on February 22, 2023. For nearly a decade now, St. Mark’s has participated in our diocesan-wide ministry of Ashes To Go. It is a day where we go out into our immediate neighborhood and offer ashes...
Christ Church Spaghetti Dinner

Christ Church Spaghetti Dinner

Every year the people of Christ Church along with the 8th grade students of their Day School organize a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit St. Mark’s food pantry. The price of entry to the dinner is non-perishable food items (cash is also accepted). All donations are...