Holy Week
Stations of the Cross
- Friday, April 1 via Zoom (only) at 7 p.m. Worship Bulletin
- Friday, April 8 in-person in the St. Mark’s vicinity as part of a Prayer Walk at 5:30 p.m. (meet at St. Mark’s at 5:15 p.m.) Worship Bulletin
- Palm Sunday (April 10) @ 10:15 a.m. Palm Procession in City Heights followed by in-person Liturgy at St. Mark’s & online streaming. In gathering of Mighty Mite/Nighty Nite Mite boxes. Worship Bulletin
- Maundy Thursday (April 14) @ 6 p.m. Virtual (no in-person) agape meal with foot (hand) washing. Please prepare a simple meal with foot (hand) washing supplies for you and your family. Worship Bulletin
- Good Friday (April 15) @ 12 noon. In-person at St. Mark’s with livestream.
Worship Bulletin - Good Friday (April 15) @ 7 p.m. Ecumenical Evening Service with St. Luke’s and others. In-person at St. Luke’s Church (3725 30th Street) and livestream.
Worship Bulletin - Holy Saturday (April 16) @ 8 p.m. Great Vigil of Easter with St. Matthew’s and St. Luke’s. At St. Matthew’s Church (521 E 8th Street, National City). Online possible, but not certain at this point.
Worship Bulletin - Easter Sunday (April 17) @ 10:15 a.m. Easter Liturgy in-person at St. Mark’s & online. Followed by Easter Egg Hunt for children.
Worship Bulletin
Note: St. Luke’s & St. Matthew’s do not require mask wearing. There will be a designated mask wearing area–away from non-mask wearers–for those who prefer such seating.