Wholeness Campaign Fr. Richard’s Letter Flyer Prayer t F.A.Q. WHOLENESS CAMPAIGN PLEDGE WHOLENESS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN -- A TOTAL GIFT OF $ I/we anticipate that payment will be made as follows (payments can be spread over 2 years) One-time Two-times Quarterly Monthly Other AMOUNT TO BE PAID EACH TIME Please indicate interval if "Other" was selected. 2022 ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN -- A TOTAL GIFT OF $ I/we anticipate that payment will be made as follows Weekly Monthly Quarterly One-time Other AMOUNT TO BE PAID EACH TIME $ Please indicate interval if "Other" was selected. For the CAPITAL CAMPAIGN, please check those that apply St. Mark’s may recognize this gift publicly. (Name only, will not include amount pledged.) In memory of In honor of I/we wish to remain anonymous. List name(s) for who should be listed in memory or honor of Donor Name(s) Address City Zip Phone Email * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit