St. Mark’s In The News

St. Mark’s In The News

Earlier this month, St. Mark’s hosted a free pet clinic. Our church was a stop for the ElleVet Project Mobile Relief Tour. Thanks to their services 37 furry friends got vaccines and veterinary attention. The San Diego Union Tribune was on hand to report on the event...
11th Back To School Bash Announced

11th Back To School Bash Announced

Our 11th Back To School Bash (B2SB) has been announced! It will take place on Saturday, August 12, 2023. As always, it will provide neighborhood school aged children with backpacks and school supplies to begin the new school year. Other B2SB elements are being...
Outreach Committee Meetings

Outreach Committee Meetings

All are invited to join our Outreach Committee. The committee discusses/plans St. Mark’s outreach activities (recurring & single events) throughout the year. We are currently planning/preparing for this year’s Back To School Bash. Announced meeting...
Current Pantry Needs | May, 2023

Current Pantry Needs | May, 2023

PEANUT BUTTER is a protein staple at our twice-weekly food pantry. However, it has recently become harder to obtain it via our usual sources. Can you help us out by donating some? We prefer regular sized jars over big-sized ones as it allows us to serve more guests....
Maundy Thursday Community Event

Maundy Thursday Community Event

We’re looking for volunteers to help with our community Maundy Thursday event on April 6. Help is needed in the morning hours with a variety of tasks, including: set up, breakfast prep & breakfast serving, foot washing, interacting with guests, clean up. If...