Holiday Pantry Closures

Holiday Pantry Closures

Our pantry will be closed to accommodate special holiday related events and in observance of the holidays. Please refer to the dates below. We wish everyone a blessed Holiday Season. November 14, November 20, November 28, December 25, December 26, January...
Thanksgiving Outreach Events

Thanksgiving Outreach Events

On Thursday November 14, St. Mark’s will collaborate with ECS and host the ECS Recovery Thanksgiving Lunch. Volunteers are needed for set up on Wednesday, November 13 following the pantry = around 2 pm, and on Thursday November 14 for the event (12-3 pm), as...
Mass on the Grass

Mass on the Grass

As part of the Season of Creation, we will take our Sunday, September 29 worship service beyond our walls and into nature. The service includes a blessing of the animals, so bring your pets. We will gather at Teralta Park in City Heights at 9:45 am. Parking is...
Book Study: Mere Christianity

Book Study: Mere Christianity

All are invited to participate in a book study of Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis led by Fr. Richard. In this classic, Lewis explores the common ground upon which all of the Christian faith stand together and provides an opportunity–for believers and...
Season of Creation

Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of creation. St. Mark’s joins faith communities around the world in unity to listen and care for our common home. We will celebrate this season September 15...
Art Show to Benefit Outreach Ministries

Art Show to Benefit Outreach Ministries

Creation to Revelation This art show will benefit St. Mark’s outreach ministries. It will feature paintings, ceramics, and photography from St. Mark’s parishioner artists: Anne Curo, Robert Montana, William Stothers and Kathy Thomson. All are invited to the opening...
August 3 Volunteers Needed

August 3 Volunteers Needed

Saturday, August 3, we will give away 250 filled backpacks to pre-registered neighborhood children. We’d love for you to join us and help with the various activities planned for that day (including: photo booth, haircuts, music, snacks, crafts, book fair,...
Back To School Bash Help

Back To School Bash Help

There are several ways by which you can help make our 12th annual Back To School Bash a reality. Volunteers and donors alike make this event possible. You can help by: volunteering for advance tasks, helping with stuffing day on July 24 (starting at 5 pm*–note...