Annual Events
Note: To volunteer for any of the events described on this page, please contact our Outreach Coordinator, Amy Ennenga: or complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Back-to-School Bash
For the last ten years, this has been our biggest single day event. While some of the parts of this event have changed over the course of the last decade, the intent has remained the same: providing our neighborhood children—from refugee and low-income families–with new backpacks and supplies so that they start each new school year with pride and joy. All of this happens within the context of a festive event in August with such things as music, balloons, games, crafts, book giveaways, haircuts, photo booth and food. To make the Bash possible, we work in close collaboration with tutoring organizations and sister parishes for sign-ups. Sign-ups also occur through our Food Pantry for our regular clients. The event is funded through donations of parishes and individuals throughout the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego and community members.
Volunteers are typically needed in May for registration, and in late July and early August to prepare for the event. This includes sorting supplies along with various tasks related to preparing a specific backpack for each student. Volunteers are also needed on the day of the event (typically in mid-August) for a variety of tasks.
For more information about how to sign up your child for a backpack or to volunteer for the Back to School Bash event, please contact our office at
Interfaith Shelter
St. Mark’s is a member of the San Diego Interfaith Shelter Network which aims to help families and individuals overcome “situationally” or short-term homelessness and reclaim permanent housing. We host up to 12-14 guests (men, women, children) for two weeks at our site. All guests are pre-screened and receive additional case management support as they look for more permanent housing.
While they stay with us we provide meals (breakfast, sack lunch, dinner), snacks, hygiene supplies & hot showers, laundry money & supplies, bedding, a safe/warm place to sleep, and a listening supportive ear.
To make this event happen we need volunteers for a variety of tasks, but especially overnight hosts and dinner cooks. For more information about how to sign up to volunteer for this event, please contact our office at
Questions about how to enter the Interfaith Shelter as a guest should be directed to the Interfaith Shelter Network.

Joy to the World
This annual Christmas Eve event is intended to bring Christmas cheer to our unhoused and lonely neighbors. The day begins with Showers of Blessings (hot showers), breakfast, haircuts and clothing giveaway for our unhoused neighbors. This is followed by a festive holiday luncheon, with carol singing and a filled backpack giveaway. Our partner-in-ministry parishes (St. James, La Jolla, Christ Church, Coronado, and St. Bartholomew’s, Rancho Bernardo) help make this event possible.
Volunteers are needed for this event on Christmas Eve. Volunteer tasks include, helping with the Showers of Blessings (guest check in, managing of clothing, shower attendant, providing haircuts, etc.), preparing and serving breakfast, backpack assembly, preparing and serving the luncheon, providing live music, visiting with guests.
If you are wanting to attend this event as a guest, look for information provided via our food pantry in early December, or contact our office at
To inquire about volunteering, please contact our office at
St. Mark’s is a host site for this annual event sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. It is intended to celebrate Holy Week and to put Jesus’ Maundy Thursday command to love one another into action by serving our neighbors in need. In 2019 we also hosted some Episcopal Community Services (ECS) clients for this event. The event includes footwashing, meals (a.m. breakfast & p.m. lunch, sack snacks), Showers of Blessings (hot showers), haircuts, hygiene kits, clothing, prayer & healing. Pre-registered unhoused guests receive new shoes and socks. The event is sponsored by people from the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.
Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks principally on Maundy Thursday. These include: guest welcome and registration, providing haircuts, meal preparation and serving, shower ministry tasks, clothing distribution tasks, footwashing tasks, shoe delivery and visiting with guests.
The next footwashing event is normally April 14, 2022 (this date is tentative due to the pandemic). Shoe sign ups typically take place at our weekly food pantry.
If you are unhoused and would like more information about how to sign up to receive shoes, or would like to volunteer at this footwashing event, please contact our office at

Ashes To Go
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season of reflection and preparation before Easter. We take Ash Wednesday out into City Heights by offering ashes—placed on people’s foreheads—and prayers to our neighbors. While standing on the four corners of Fairmount and University Avenues, and roaming its adjacent shopping center, we meet folks on their way to their daily activities. It is a simple but sacred moment grounded in tradition with the gifts of grace and connection.
July marks Pride celebration in San Diego. St. Mark’s participates in our city’s annual pride parade which joyfully celebrates our LGBTQ+ siblings. After attending the street eucharist of St. Paul’s Cathedral, we walk the parade route alongside fellow Episcopalians of our Diocese.