All are invited to join the Lenten book study of the Acts of the Apostles led by Fr. Richard on Thursdays in Lent via Zoom, 6:15-7:30 pm. The study will be based on the Booklet: Risk: Through Lent With ActsThe booklet is available in Kindle format. It is not required for participation.

Fr. Richard provides the following info:

Each week:
In preparation for the study I will ask that you read 4-6 chapters of Acts (it’s not as much as it
-Each session will open with prayer.
-We will read an introduction to the day’s focused passage / topic.
-A short explanation and reflection on the week’s chosen passage (we will read that passage again
as a group.)
-Discussion questions related to those questions.
-Closing prayer.
-Each session will be 75 minutes.

Here are the focus topics:
 Why the theme ‘Risk’?
 A brief intro to the Acts of the Apostles
 Study 1: Risking standing up for Jesus (Acts 4:1-22)
 Study 2: Risking following the Spirit’s lead (Acts 8:26-40)
 Study 3: Risking welcoming an adversary (Acts 9:1-22)
 Study 4: Risking debate in order to seek reconciliation (Acts 15:1-21)
 Study 5: Risking rejection for the sake of the gospel (Acts 17:22-34
 Study 6: Risking the present for the sake of the future (Acts 20:17-38)