There are several ways by which you can help make our 12th annual Back To School Bash a reality. Volunteers and donors alike make this event possible.

You can help by: volunteering for advance tasks, helping with stuffing day on July 24 (starting at 5 pm*-note that this is a change from the original posted time), volunteering on the August 3rd event day (between 9 am – 1 pm). If you’d like to volunteer, please contact our Parish Coordinator, Lauren Button:

If you’d like to donate, you can order and drop off backpack(s). Here is one that we suggest you consider buying and donating. Contact Lauren for drop offs. We also appreciate monetary donations. $70 sponsors a student, partial or complete sponsorships can be made online (please earmark for B2SB/Back To School Bash), or by mailing a check to St. Mark’s mailing address: PO Box 5788 | San Diego CA 92165 (please put ‘B2SB’ in the memo line).

For further information regarding our Back To School Bash, please contact Lauren Button: (Parish Coordinator).

St. Mark’s and our neighborhood children thank you for your interest and support of the Back To School Bash.