St. Mark’s annual meeting will be on Sunday, January 28, following the 9:45 am Worship service. We need a ‘full house’ to be able to conduct our once-a-year-church ‘business’ meeting. Important business to be discussed includes: budget, election of vestry members & diocesan convention delegates, stewardship and other updates, and more! Please save the date and join us.

Vestry & Diocesan Delegate Candidates

We are looking for church members who are willing to contribute to St. Mark’s and help our parish community by being a candidate for our vestry election at our January 28 annual meeting. The vestry is the ‘governing board’ of our church and meets monthly to discuss parish business. Diocesan Delegates represent our parish at our diocese’s annual convention in November 2024 (at St. Margaret in Palm Desert). To submit your candidacy for either vestry member or diocesan convention delegate, please talk to or email Fr. Richard: