by Thérèse Carmona | Dec 31, 2022 | Announcements
Sacred Ground is the Episcopal Church’s film & reading based dialogue series on race, racism & faith. Circles provide the opportunity for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue. EDSD Racial Justice and Reconciliation Task Force will offer two new...
by Thérèse Carmona | Dec 31, 2022 | Announcements
St. Mark’s annual meeting will be on Sunday, January 22, following the 9:45 am Worship service. We need a ‘full house’ to be able to conduct our once-a-year-church ‘business’ meeting. Important business to be discussed includes: budget, election of vestry members...
by Brian Winton | Dec 18, 2022 | Announcements
Service Bulletin: Bulletin Click the sign-up button (below) to bring a meal: Sign-up