We are God’s hands, working for social justice. We worship God in a modern style that is rooted in tradition.

4227 Fairmount Avenue San Diego, CA. 92105 Live StreamBulletins

Sunday Services

Our Sunday morning service (9:45am) is at the heart of our community worship life. We value the act of worshipping together as God’s people. We believe that it is through our common life that we are gifted and strengthened by God for a life of service to God and others. Join us! Everyone — everyone — is welcome to fully participate in all that we do. 

About Us

We are an Episcopal Church with an emphasis on social justice and a contemporary style of worship where all are welcome – no exceptions. We strive to be a diverse-faith community serving City Heights. We believe the kingdom of God is made visible in our proclamation of the Gospel and in loving acts of serving others.

Graphic with call for volunteer help for Maundy Thursday Community Footwashing event

Maundy Thursday Community Footwashing Event

Jesus showed his love & servanthood for his disciples by washing their feet. We will show God’s love and our servanthood to the community by offering footwashing and (new) socks to our pantry clients on Maundy Thursday (April 17). Ways in which you can help:...
Graphic for Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross & Soup Supper

Join us for the Lenten practice of praying with the Stations of the Cross (The Way of the Cross) followed by a soup supper, 5:30 pm on Fridays: March 14 March 28 April 11 While our prayers will center around the Way of the Cross, each Friday will be uniquely...

Mite Boxes

We invite and encourage you to participate in our yearly Lenten tradition of giving alms via the mite boxes. Proceeds are for a needy cause. This year’s mite box money will be designated for Comunidad de Luz, a shelter and residential program for migrant women and...

Renovation Shower

As we're using and getting used to our newly remodeled kitchen, we notice that some things are lacking. For example, our brand new glass-top stove needs special cookware, we don't have mixing bowls or measuring devices, etc. So to celebrate our new space and help get...

Lenten Book Study

All are invited to join the Lenten book study of the Acts of the Apostles led by Fr. Richard on Thursdays in Lent via Zoom, 6:15-7:30 pm. The study will be based on the Booklet: Risk: Through Lent With Acts. The booklet is available in Kindle format. It is not...


Welcome. Click here to learn more and reach out to us.

Have Kids?

We have children’s formation class during Sunday services.

Where We Are

Get directions here.


Discover all the ways you can volunteer here.

All are welcome, no exceptions.

We believe in and practice inclusiveness, openness, and respect for each person. We celebrate the gifts of each person, and extend the grace of God given to us. 



March 16, 2025